Saturday, March 29, 2014

week 4 Who am I as a Communicator

As a communicator, I was not surprise on any of the assessment nor the evaluators of my communication skills. I know that I communicate better in a one on one setting. I was told by family that I am a no nonsense communicator. The assessment also made the same assessment. I feel that I will need to work on strategies to improve my ability to communicate in a productive manner. My tolerance to listen and appreciate other's ideas and their methods of communicating must be adjusted. There are various ways to communicate other than verbally. Our body language tells such a story of how we truly feel. We as educators must be aware of what our bodies are saying to others.


  1. Hello Dotsy! Don't be so harsh on yourself! We all are learning about communications and it is a learning process. With the information that we are learning, I am sure that we will see improvements here shortly. What I can say is, this program is really opening our eyes to issues that need to be addressed when working with children, families, and co-workers. Communication and listening skills must be in tack when communication is 90% of our job description. We are definitely being prepared to be better educators. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Hi Dotsy,
    Cotati is right! Don't be so harsh on yourself. We are learning how to be better communicators. I was shock too about how others view me. You are right about our body language sometime say the wrong thing but we are learning to be better communicators.
    Darrell Sallam

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog and we are all learning about communication. I didn't realized all the anxiety I get when communicating in a large group of people. this class has taught me many things about communication. I agree with you in the body language we have means a lot. Sometimes we think people are not paying attention but they are and our body sometimes speaks out. Great post!

  4. Hi Dotsy,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I looked at your post and said "Why can't I be short and get straight to the point". lol.... I'm going to try and work on that. Anyhow, I do agree as educators we have to watch our body language. The children in my classroom don't miss anything. They even watch out when my lead teacher and I lip talk. My director said children are like sponges and I really am starting to believe that. I'm more conscious now than I ever been when it comes to how I communicate while in the classroom.
