Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 3 blog Cultural Diversity Communication

I do find myself communicating differently with different groups and culture. I think this may be due to trying to fit in in without hurting the group feelings. I think when one is unfamiliar with the group or culture it makes it difficult to know what is appropriate to say or do. We sometimes find ourselves uncomfortable in starting a conversation that we feel may make others uncomfortable. We may start and active conversation with other familiar groups because we are comfortable with that group. We are comfortable because we know exactly what is appropriate and what is not, therefore we must learn in society how to be diverse in culture and language.

Three strategies I feel will assist me in communication are:

1. Sincerely listen - pay attention when others are talking; it tells others that you are truly interested in them.  Ask questions about what they are saying.  Think about what they are saying.  Remember, people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.  Listening is one way to demonstrate that you care about them.

2. Pay compliments - this is a great way to get a conversation started and make someone feel good.  There is something special about everyone - it is our job to find it out and make that person feel special.  Make sure that your compliment is sincere. 

3.  Remember names.  When you forget others' names, this tells them they are not that important to you.  People like to hear their names. 


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and I agree with your three strategies of communication. I feel that listening is very important because if were not listening then how can we communicate. Sometimes I notice when I'm having a conversation with someone and then later they ask me a question that I had just talked about it I feel like there not listening to me. At work I always try to pay great attention and listen to my parents when there having a conversation with me. Sometimes its difficult when I'm in the classroom but if I feel I cant listen I let them know that the time is not right to have a conversation or if I'm able to step out the classroom I step out. My supervisor will come in and I'm able to listen and have a conversation. Names are important but sometimes the names are complicated and I tend to forget them. I can remember the children's names but sometimes the parents names I forget. Compliments are wonderful when there are sincere, I think we all like compliments. Great post!!

  2. Hello Dotsy! You suggested some really great strategies to communicate more effectively with individuals of different cultures. Complimenting someone is a great way to break a barrier that may be there. With a "pat on the shoulder" individuals feel more comfortable and relaxed in their communications with one. I simply love the idea of addressing individuals by their first name or even as Mr. or Ms. It is definitely a sign of respect! I tell you, I have 48 students in my classroom and I just about know the names of each mom, dad, aunt, and grandparent. It takes a while to remember so much but by the first 60 days of school, I normally have all the names memorized. Great post and thank you for sharing!


  3. Thank you for sharing! I think I find myself guilty of this as well, but I did not really realize that I was guilty of it or even what it is until I started this course. My knowledge regarding the subject has grown tremendously and I am becoming more aware of ways to avoid being guilty of cultural myopia.
