Saturday, March 29, 2014

week 4 Who am I as a Communicator

As a communicator, I was not surprise on any of the assessment nor the evaluators of my communication skills. I know that I communicate better in a one on one setting. I was told by family that I am a no nonsense communicator. The assessment also made the same assessment. I feel that I will need to work on strategies to improve my ability to communicate in a productive manner. My tolerance to listen and appreciate other's ideas and their methods of communicating must be adjusted. There are various ways to communicate other than verbally. Our body language tells such a story of how we truly feel. We as educators must be aware of what our bodies are saying to others.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 3 blog Cultural Diversity Communication

I do find myself communicating differently with different groups and culture. I think this may be due to trying to fit in in without hurting the group feelings. I think when one is unfamiliar with the group or culture it makes it difficult to know what is appropriate to say or do. We sometimes find ourselves uncomfortable in starting a conversation that we feel may make others uncomfortable. We may start and active conversation with other familiar groups because we are comfortable with that group. We are comfortable because we know exactly what is appropriate and what is not, therefore we must learn in society how to be diverse in culture and language.

Three strategies I feel will assist me in communication are:

1. Sincerely listen - pay attention when others are talking; it tells others that you are truly interested in them.  Ask questions about what they are saying.  Think about what they are saying.  Remember, people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.  Listening is one way to demonstrate that you care about them.

2. Pay compliments - this is a great way to get a conversation started and make someone feel good.  There is something special about everyone - it is our job to find it out and make that person feel special.  Make sure that your compliment is sincere. 

3.  Remember names.  When you forget others' names, this tells them they are not that important to you.  People like to hear their names. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Wk 2 blog

The show that I chose that I never watch is Sponge Bob Square Pants. The characters relationship appear to all be friends. They say very harsh things to each other and then they help each other out when times get rough. The language is very rough at times. This is based on listening to them communicating with each other. The sound off appear to be concern for each other. It was difficult for me to understand there expression to the various characters in the cartoon. The assumption is that verbal cues may not always express one's true feelings. It is important to get to know a person to understand and relate to the changing language one may speak.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

week 1 blog Educ 6165

The person I listened to that had great communication skills was a speaker for a recent seminar I attended. This person gave a printout of the nature of her speech. She discussed the teenagers troubling years. She made valid points that caught everyone attention. The points were very clear and concise. I look around the audience and she had everyone's attention. There were no cell phone usage or unnecessary chatter from the audience. She talk in a tone that was effective to engage the audience. After completing her speech she received very positive feedback from the audience.