Saturday, November 16, 2013


Zero to three. This is a break down of how important this organization is.
The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center is a nonpartisan, research-based resource for federal and state policymakers and advocates on the unique developmental needs of infants and toddlers. The Policy Center brings to bear ZERO TO THREE’s more than 30 years of research-based expertise on infant and toddler development to ensure that public policies reflect best practices and current research in support of our nation’s very young children.

Our agenda is simple: The ZERO TO THREE Policy Center promotes good health, strong families, and positive early learning experiences for all infants and toddlers, with special emphasis on those who are the most vulnerable and in need. The Policy Center advances public policy solutions and investments for the health and development of very young children and their families. In doing so, the Policy Center synthesizes and disseminates knowledge, cultivates advocacy leadership, and engages policymakers.


  1. You stated that they promote good health, strong families, and positive early leaning experiences for all infants and toddlers. What are some examples of their work? I have attended a few of their conferences and they were very helpful with helping our military families and the stress that comes from being a child during war.

  2. Ensuring our children and families are healthy is very important. In our Head Start program, you would be surprised at the many families who are not educated on how important it is for their child to have physicals, dental exams, eye exams, and etc.

  3. Public policy seems to be what determines the future of early childhood education. Does the Zero to Three organization have a place to send our views on public policy? Or ways for the early childhood education professionals to get their voices heard? The other way to help determine public policy is to make your vote count.
    It is an excellent organization, they came to our base and did a two day workshop one for the caregivers on self-care and the other on stress during deployments and brought toolkits with many resources for staff and families.
