Friday, October 7, 2016

Using social media to get connected

Social media is a widely used tool today. I feel it has it pros and cons. I have seen where it has been very helpful to students, teachers and others for networking and providing great interaction for learning. This provides advanced learning outside the traditional classroom. I have also seen where it has caused a great deal of stress, such as cyber-stalking and other inappropriate behavior.
These behaviors can leave a great deal of emotional and stressful scaring.

I feel web blogging is a great way to express ideas that can enhance learning interactions with good reliable sources. Individuals are able to share new and innovative ways to be an advocate for all walks of life. I have acquired great deal of information from the blogs we are doing on a weekly basis in this class.

As an up and an coming advocate his information will assist me in working with families to provide quality services for the early learners. I will be able to share resources and information and receive quality information from colleagues that are advocating for the early learners. Social media can be very rewarding if used in the proper manner.

 I am not a big social media fan, so if my colleagues have other shareable ideas please share.


  1. Social media can certainly be a powerful tool, but yes, you are correct, it can also be used in appropriately to harm others. I think it's an example of how important it is to use tools responsibly and to educate social media users about appropriate and respectful ways to interact with others. Social media has the ability to be a powerful and positive strategy for advocacy efforts, but as we know, "with great power comes great responsibility."

  2. Dotsy,
    I agree, social media has a lot of pros and cons. I think it's a great way to provide knowledge and ensure information is shared, however, if it is handled in a professional manner it's a wonderful invention. I also think it's a great tool for advocacy.
