Thursday, February 6, 2014

Research around the World

Research around the World

I chose a current research article from the European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
The topic that was discussed was Understanding children from 0 to 3 years of age and its implications for education. What's new on the babies' side? Origins and evolutions

It discussed how the views of infancy and toddlerhood has changed over the past ten years.
Increased knowledge has become so important in continuing research in this field.

the end result must be that one realizes how much the implementation of children's rights will be dependent on the capacity of the adult to overcome the gap between the common sense views on babies and toddlers and what really goes on while they interact with the world. If we can , we must be see  our major obstacle in changing our view of the child and making education more effective.

 OECD. 2006. Starting strong II: Early childhood education and care, Paris: OECD    

        Directorate for Education.

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