Sunday, November 24, 2013

NBCDI  What We Do
Early Care and Education

       This program promotes the development of high quality education. It serves children birth to
eight years of age. This program shows that educating our early learners is most important. This
program will assist with developing an appropriate curriculum and support to staff on assessing a
child's needs. The most important information from my assessment is that they provide commitments to ensuring cultural and racial diversity in the workforce, which may decrease, even while the population of children has grown increasingly more diverse.
       This information is to encourage states, districts and schools to embed professional development opportunities that support a deeper understanding of families' race and culture, and teach teachers from all backgrounds how to strengthen a better relationship with parents and community.


1 comment:

  1. Dotsy, NBCDI What We Do seem to be a interesting program.I will be visting this
    site soon.
