Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Research that benefits Children and Families

      I would imagine no child with a handicapping disability. Every child would have an even start. Children would be educated based on their emotional, social, cognitive, and physical needs. No children would go hungry or lack the need for a family or love. Children would be protected from the societal problems that may cause them to not be able to reach their developmental potential.
     A study or research that could bring on positive changes of this magnitude would make the learning world an inspiration to society. Children would no longer feel left out and un-loved.

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Personal Research Journey

     My chosen topic for the simulation is ways to identify children with disabilities. I know this can be rather broad and complex. I chose this because I have worked with families and children with physical, cognitive and mental disabilities. This is sometimes overlooked in our early learners and this can damage them for life. We as educators must prepare to observe and understand the signs to get interventions for our children.
       The material we have covered this week has made me dig deeper to understand what to look for in credible research. Research can open doors to providing quality serve to the early childhood field. Children need to have a good start to their developmental growth. A good start to this is understanding their needs for good growth and development.
        Please assist me with any new resources that will assist me in this area. Good luck to each of my colleagues in this class.