Saturday, May 25, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

The three definitions of culture I received:

Culture is like a system of knowledge by various people

Culture is the way we communicate

Culture is the learned behavior of a tradition that comes from generation to generation.

Three definitions of diversity I received are:

Diversity sets individuals apart from one another.

Diversity is people with different backgrounds and various opinions that may include their political and religious beliefs and their life experiences.

Diversity can be having a wide range of interest, experience and backgrounds.

       All of the answers I received were studied in this course. Most all of the definitions on culture and diversity were stated to come from one's environment. The answers were that various beliefs were handed down from generations to generations. One example would be the religious beliefs that vary from one individual to the next. I really see no omissions that we have studied. Culture and diversity cannot be streamlined to a specific definition. People may have various ways to define the definition, but it all comes back to be a individual view of who or what they believe.

        These various views have made me more aware of how our culture and diversity in these United States can be different. Our next door neighbor can have a completely different standard of living. Their view and culture if not understood can cause conflicts. We must learn to respect others views and living standards for society peace.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 blog post I responded to:

My Family Culture

               The items I would choose would be my personal Bible and 2 family photos. This would be pictures of my child and her family and a family photo of my family. These would be items that I would need to get me through this lost.


              I would be very sadden by this and would take my strong religious relationship with God to get through this. This is a situation that would require me to pray and look to God for guidance in my time of separation from my culture. This would reflect back to my Christian upbringing.